
The information on this website is made available in all good faith and is believed to be accurate and factually correct.

However, nothing herein should be construed as constituting any guarantee or commitment, nor to be contractually binding. We will be happy to confirm any of this information as part of a formal response to any request for information or quotation (against a suitable description of the services required).

Should there be any use of quotations, trademarks, logos, copyrighted material, intellectual property or the like whose source or ownership is not appropriately acknowledged then we apologise for failing to adequately do so and invite you to contact us with any corrections, notification of credits due and general notification of any errors, typographic mistakes or other reason to amend anything herein.

That should do it – if you have any problem, don’t let it escalate – email or call us and we’ll do our best to fix it before it becomes a BIG PROBLEM.