Ethics Policy

Zygma’s ethics policy consists of six themes which, whilst not being guaranteed to address every possible ethical issue which could arise, are expected to address a large proportion of the topics most likely to arise. These themes are:

  • Honesty and openness in its dealings with Zygma’s clients, associates and other parties;
  • Objectivity in its analysis and recommendations, striving to base all assessments, valuations, findings, etc. on verified information, against any applicable standards and using deterministic methods which can survive scrutiny;
  • No undeclared Conflicts of Interest by declaring actual or potential conflicts of interest as soon as they are identified and responding accordingly, after discussion with the client and any other parties involved. Conflicts may be sufficiently mitigated by their declaration combined with other specific actions undertaken such that the sources and outcomes of the conflict are transparent;
  • Value for money by assessing the scope and risks involved in undertaking an assignment and offering a specified package of work, with defined tasks, deliverables & schedule, for a stated fee against which stage payments are collected once the client has expressed their satisfaction with discrete deliverables which will be submitted in a timely manner;
  • Careful custodianship of client information such that it is appropriately protected where so required and faithfully reproduced where so permitted;
  • Compliance with respect to legislation (inter alia, taxation, licensing, operating permits, permissible areas of business operation, information security), contractual obligations and professional qualifications and membership requirements;

Zygma expects its clients, associates and other parties with which it inter-acts to behave likewise.